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氮气检测仪广泛用于化肥、石油化工、空分以及生物发酵等工业生产过程中氮气含量的检测 .空分制氮、化工流程氮气纯度自动分析,磁性材料等高温烧结炉的保护性气体中氮含量分析;电子行业、玻璃、建材行业等工业生产过程中氮气纯度的在线检测。
氮气检测仪广泛用于化肥、石油化工、空分以及生物发酵等工业生产过程中氮气含量的检测 .空分制氮、化工流程氮气纯度自动分析,磁性材料等高温烧结炉的保护性气体中氮含量分析;电子行业、玻璃、建材行业等工业生产过程中氮气纯度的在线检测。
本仪器是采用测氧原理, 通过氧气传感器把气体中的氧浓度转换成电信号,经减法器的计算从而倒算出氮气含量,并直接显示被测气体中的氮气百分比含量。仪表采用*的中大规模集成电路及5位半L E D高亮度数字显示器,具备数码拨盘设定下限控制功能,方便快捷。当被监控系统的氮含量低于设定值时,控制触点启动,并有声/光同时报警。仪表还有4-20MA同步信号输出,并有自动稳零功能,仪器能直接显示十万分之一读数(99.999%),具有响应快、精度高、稳定、可靠、操作简便等特点。本仪器可利用空气的氮气的含量79.0%定标,操作方便,并设有量程自动转换电路,当氮气浓度大于90.3%时,这时仪器量程自动转换,读数为90.300%。
当氮气浓度低于1号下限设定值时(假如是99.96%),报警指示灯亮,同时有报警声响,1号报警输出开关启动(可当预警提示,或启动相应的设备).. 当氮气浓度继续下降低于2号下限设定值时(假如是99.93%), 2号报警输出开关启动.(可根椐需要启动相应的控制设备)..这样更有利于产品质量的生产管理.如果只用1路设定值,那就把2号下限控制数码拨至90.00即可.2种仪表都带有4~20mA信号输出可与记录仪连接。
报警点及触点输出任意设置,N2 显示供用户选择,进口新型长寿命的离子流检测器,灵敏度高、响应速度快,上下限报警点能在全量程范,高精度的温度自动补偿系统,消除环境温度的影响。
监测气体: 氮气
1.测量范围 :70~99.999%
2.精 度: 98~99.999±0.02%N2 ;
3.zui小检测量: 0.001%
4.响应时间: ≦10秒
5.环境温度: 0~40℃;
6.环境湿度: ≤85%RH。;
7.电 源: 220V±10%;
8.稳 定 性:48小时内漂移小于±0.2%
9控制点容量:A C220 V 1 A
11.重 量: 1.2Kg
13.功 耗: ≤5 W
Product description
Instrument analysis nitrogen content of nitrogen analyzer nitrogen detector
Model: QT11-LB-2JB
Nitrogen detector is widely used to detect content of nitrogen fertilizer, petrochemical industry, process of air separation and biological fermentation in industrial production. The automatic analysis of nitrogen air separation, chemical process the purity of nitrogen, the nitrogen content of the protective gas magnetic materials such as high temperature sintering furnace; online detecting purity nitrogen industrial production process of electronic industry, glass in the building materials industry, etc..
One, overview
This instrument is the use of measuring principle of oxygen, the oxygen sensor to the oxygen concentration in the gas is converted into an electrical signal, through calculation and subtracter to deduce the nitrogen content, and directly display the measured nitrogen percentage content in gas. The instrument adopts the advanced large-scale integrated circuit and 5 - L E D high brightness digital display, digital dial setting the minimum control function, convenient and quick. When the nitrogen content of the monitored system is lower than the set value, the control actuation of contacts, and sound / light alarm simultaneously. Instrument and 4-20MA synchronous signal output, and auto zero function, the instrument can directly display the 1/100000 reading (99.999%), has the characteristics of fast response, high accuracy, stability, reliability, easy operation etc.. 79% content of this instrument can use air nitrogen calibration, convenient operation, and is provided with automatic range switching circuit, when the nitrogen concentration is greater than 90.3%, then the instrument automatic range conversion, a reading of 90.300%.
When the nitrogen concentration is lower than 1, the lower limit of the set value (if it is 99.96%), the alarm indicator light, and alarm sound, 1 alarm output switch (can be when the warning, or start the corresponding device). When the concentration of nitrogen continue to fall below 2, the lower limit of the set value (if it is 99.93%), No. 2 alarm output switch. (according to need to start the corresponding control equipment) management of production. This is more conducive to the quality of the products. If 1 road with the set value, then the 2 lower control digital dial to 90 to.2 instrument with 4 to 20mA signal output and the recorder.
The utility model is suitable for the pressure swing adsorption nitrogen making machine, air separation equipment, as well as the analysis, the concentration of nitrogen gas mixture of nitrogen and oxygen in the monitoring and control.
Two, product features against
Alarm and contact output arbitrarily set, N2 display for the user to choose, ion import new long-lived flow detector, high sensitivity, fast response, alarm point in the whole range of fan, automatic temperature compensation system with high accuracy, eliminate the influence of environmental temperature.
Detection principle: the sensor
Monitoring of gas: nitrogen
Three, technical indicators:
1 measuring range:70 ~ 99.999%
2 precision: 98 ~ 99.999 ± 0.02%N2;
3 the minimum detection amount: 0.001%
Response time: 4 ≤ 10 seconds
5 environmental temperature 0 ~ 40 ℃;
Humidity: 6 ≤ 85%RH. ;
7 power supply: 220V ± 10%;
8 stability: 48 hour drift less than 0.2%
The 9 control point capacity: A C220 V 1 A
10 dimensions: 160 x 160 x 80mm (length * width * height) (hole size 150 x 75)
11 weight: 1.2Kg
The 12 recording output: 4 ~ 20mA
Power consumption: 13 ≤ 5 W
Four, the principle of:
The instrument by the oxygen electrode, amplifier, comparator, subtracter, alarm and other parts. Oxygen electrode for polarography: diaphragm type, using platinum as the cathode, silver silver chloride as anode, with PTFE as osmotic membrane, gas like oxygen permeable film to the cathode, the following reaction in the polarization voltage of 650mV.
Cathode: O2+H2O+4e → 40H-
Anode: Ag++C1- → AgC1 ↓ +e
Reflection can rapidly reach equilibrium, while producing a limiting diffusion current, this current is proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen in the gas sample. This current is amplified by an amplifier, the subtractor by direct display shows the measured nitrogen gas, while the output 4-20 current. For external recorder or computer data recording, can make the measurement data archive. The other signal by the dial digital switch control., when the measured nitrogen content in the gas exceeds the set value, the instrument sound, light alarm. At the same time start the corresponding control relay, to various kinds of control equipment.le suitable for high-grade residential customers
3、服务效率:保修期内或保修期外如设备出现故障,供方在接到通知后,1-3个工作日内予以解决。 用户可以通过售后咨询有关技术问题,并得到明确的解决方案
4、服务原则:仪器仪表产品保修期为1年,在保修期内供方将免费维修和更换属质量原因造成的零部件损坏,保修期外零部件的损坏,提供的配件只收成本费,由需方人为因素 造成的设备损坏,供方维修或提供的配件均按成本价计。