Model 209 Czerny-Turner Monochromator for High Resolution Spectroscopy
McPherson, Inc. Research Grade Czerny-Turner Monochromators are available
in many different focal lengths and with many different options. Chances are
good that we have one just right for your application. Models ranging from
0.67-m to 2-meter focal lengths share a wealth of features. Used in air the
spectral range of these instruments extends from 185-nm to 78-µm, and with
vacuum down to 105-nm (depends on the grating.) For intermediate ranges a
purge gas can be used (Nitrogen, for example.) McPherson SNAP IN gratings
allow the alignment-free use of many different gratings. Easily view a wider
spectral range or obtain higher resolution! You can retrofit years later and not
have to worry about alignment with the McPherson SNAP IN approach. Our
dual grating turret also accepts these easy to exchange gratings.
Model 209 PDF Data Sheet
(取决于光栅)。对于中间范围,可以使用吹扫气体。(例如氮气)McPherson Snap
您可以在几年后进行改造,而不必担心与McPherson SNAP IN方法对齐的问题。我们
型号209 PDF数据表
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